If you are doing any marketing, you must have an online presence. Fortunately, social media marketing can be done on a relatively small budget or at no cost at all. The most crucial strategy of social media marketing is to gain a strong presence. Here are five tips to quick start your social media marketing today.

    1. Less is More

      Focus on creating better quality marketing to reach your target audience by choosing three  or four social media channels.

    2. Attain and Retain Fans

      Next, make sure to network by connecting with fans, friends, businesses and groups. Once you have a solid following, make sure to post relevant, informational details about your business. As a rule of thumb, never overwhelm your friends with posts about your business. Make sure to announce promotions and sales, but also try to inform your audience with niche-related news and facts.

    3. Give it Away

      A great way to engage your audience and attract new followers is to host giveaways. Simply ask your current followers to share your post in exchange for the items you're giving away. This ensures you're reaching a broader audience than just your following while keeping the attention of your fans.

    4. Keep it Fresh

      Also, use social media marketing as an opportunity to get your page listed in search engines. Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your posts to boost your page's appearance on search engines, especially Google.

    5. Rinse, wash, repeat.

      Last but not least, stay consistent. Make sure to post several times each week to keep your fans interested, coming back and investing in your business.


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